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- Renee, Mimi
Page 9
“I hear you, Teddy Mama, I'll be home soon. I love you baby.”
“I love you too, Teddy Bear.”
Bright had a flood of tears streaming from her eyes. That’s why she looked so sickly, Bright thought. Tameka's words and outlook on things were the most beautiful things she had ever heard, and she felt for the both of them. “Terrence, I'm sorry baby,” Bright cried, then climbed on top of him to kiss his face and wipe his tears away. “You have been going through so much and I promise that I'll be here for you as long as you keep it real with me.”
“I need you, Bright,” Terrence replied seriously. Then he passionately kissed her lips, wishing they were Tameka's lips, and that it was her on top of him instead of Bright. But with all the pain that Tameka had been going through lately, sex was out of the question, and Terrence was in the need of some good lovemaking to relieve some tension.
Terrence and Bright foreplayed for over thirty minutes when he begin to raise her shirt up and suck on her nipples. Bright's pussy throbbed for him like never before. She eagerly removed her pants; she wanted him inside of her badly. Terrence put his condom on and then carefully placed Bright on top of him. Bright put her heart into it and rode him slow and passionately.
“OHHHHH, you got some good tight ass pussy baby,” Terrence moaned, sucking on Bright's neck and rubbing his hands up and down her smooth back.
To avoid getting any passion marks, she moved her neck and put her titty in his mouth. “It's yours, baby,” Bright moaned with her eyes closed, rubbing his face and chest as she gripped his penis inside of her. “I’m about to cum,” Bright lied since she was pressed for time. She had to meet up with Suge soon, and she knew If Terrence thought she was on the verge of an orgasm that he would go crazy and explode.
“Ride that dick, baby, I’m about to cum too.”
Though the space was tighter in the Chevy than the Escalade, Bright rode faster and faster, making his 64 bounce up and down as if he were hitting his switches on it. Bright made loud fuck noises and bit on his neck, making him cum with her nipple in his mouth.
“That was good baby,” Terrence said after Bright removed herself off of him.
“I loved it too baby,” Bright said, putting her pants back on. Terrence gave her a few hundred dollars, then he dropped Bright off at home. He needed to get home to his wife and Bright wanted to take a bath before meeting up with Treasure and Suge.
“Bright, Cordell left after you told him not to,” Ryonna said once Bright made it back inside the house.
“Where did he go? It's eight o'clock at night!” Bright said angrily.
“I don't know, but Ramon wouldn't let me use the phone to call you, he kept taking it from me,” Ryonna told.
“No I didn't,” Ramon yelled hoping he wouldn't get in any trouble.
“Yes you did, and I told you that I was gonna tell, Bright when she got back,” she said honestly.
“Quit arguing you two!” Bright yelled frustrated. “Soon as I give his little butt an inch, he decides to take the whole fucking mile! I'll be back don't open the door for nobody, and Ramon, you better not pick on, Ray either, are I'ma tear yo butt up when I get back home. You understand me?” She asked pointing at him. Ramon nodded his head yes.
Bright went out looking for her brother, cussing and fussing the whole time until she saw him running out of the liquor store with a few of his bad ass friends.
“Cordell, get yo ass over here and in the damn house!” Bright yelled out to him from across the street. “I told Mama on you too, and she coming home to kick yo ass!” she lied hoping to scare him.
“Well, I'm telling on you too, then!” Cordell said, parting ways with his friends and making his way across the street to his sister.
“Tell, I don't give a damn, I'm damn near grown anyways!” Fussing the whole way back home, Bright told Cordell if he said one more word that she was gonna beat the black off of him. Knowing that he couldn't handle Bright, he shut up and ran inside the apartment steaming. If Bright thinks she's the only one that can break all the rules around here, then she has another thing coming, Cordell thought to himself. Inside Bright snatched, Cordell up by his collar. “If you disobey me again and I catch you outside, I'm fucking yo ass up on sight! Do I make myself clear?”
“Yeah, Bright, dang! I said okay already,” he said, trying to remove himself from his sister's grip. When Bright released him from her hold she pushed him to the floor.
“And that goes for all of y'all too!” she said, directing her attention to Ryonna and Ramon who were peeking from behind the couch. After they both agreed, Bright ran some bath water, and she called Treasure and told her that she was in desperate need of a good bath and to walk Suge over to her house.
Treasure laughed. “Aight funky cock, we'll be there in a few.”
“Thanks deep throat.” Then Bright climbed into a nice hot bubble bath. “Damn bad ass kids,” she said as she lit her blunt, inhaled, and then relaxed her head on the bathtub cushion.
********** Suge had been over at Bright's for over three days without her mother finding her, and since Suge loved hanging out with Bright’s siblings, it allowed Bright the time she needed to step out at night without worrying about them getting into any trouble.
“How you feeling, Young?” Bright asked after ste pping out of the shower and into her room where Suge was resting in her bed.
“I'm alright, just thinking about being in a foster home, with strange people and shit. I'd rather stay here with you and your family. Your mother likes me...maybe she'll let me stay a little longer,” Suge said, sitting up in bed.
Happy that Suge was comfortable, Bright smiled. “I know she wouldn't mind if you stayed the rest of the summer, but once school starts she'll want to meet your mother and everything, and you know that won't work. And if she found out she was harboring a runaway, she'd go crazy and be on my head...tough!” Bright said, throwing on a pair of cotton boxer shorts and a white tank top.
“Yeah, you’re right, Bright, and I guess a foster home can’t be any worse than where I've been all these years either, right?”
“Right,” Bright said, moisturizing her skin. “Well, Larry's coming through with movies and a bottle, I'm about to roll a blunt up to smoke, so if you wanna get faded, we'll be in the living room waiting for you,” she said hoping to put a smile on Suge's face.
Suge smiled. “Okay, I will.” Then she headed to the bathroom to shower.
Earlier that day, Suge had accidentally dropped Bright’s cell phone behind her bed when she noticed the letter addressed to Treasure from her ex-boyfriend, Chrome. Suge was puzzled as to why Bright had the letter under her bed in the first place, and since her curiosity wouldn't allow her leave it alone, she decided to read it and find out what was going on for herself. Inside the bathroom, Suge pulled the letter from under her shirt and pulled it out of the envelope to read. However the letter was written to Chrome in Bright’s handwriting...with Treasure's name signed on it. It read:
If you need for me to respond so that you can leave me the fuck alone, I will! I read your letter, and yeah, I already know what happened. Bright told me everything, so please don't think I don't know! And even if you didn't rape her, so what! You were wrong for beating her the way you did over a shower, and you deserve all the time you got for messing with her in the first place!
P.S Please don't ever write back to me again, I hate you and hope you fucking die in prison!
Sincerely a bitch that hate you,
~ Treasure “This is wild! What the hell is going on? And wh at is Bright hiding?” Suge said to herself. After putting the letter back inside the envelope, she wrapped it inside of her T-shirt to ensure it wouldn't get wet, then she climbed inside the tub to shower. Once she was all cleaned up and dried off, she dressed comfortably in a pair of pajamas, then tucked the letter back under Bright’s bed where she found it. Then she went into the living room to watch movies and get faded, life was tough.
Part Seven
> B
right woke up early to catch her mother before she left for work. “Ma, can Suge stay a few more days?” she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“If it's okay with her mother, I guess it's okay with me, Queen Bee. Speaking of, I haven't met Suge's mother yet, and when I get back home tonight, I'd like to at least speak to her.” Rosette said, finishing up her morning coffee and cigarette before going to work.
“Okay, but I think she'll still be at work at that tim e. I told you, that lady is a serious workaholic like you, Ma.”
“Poor woman, if she works as hard as me,” Rosette said, dumping the last of her cigarette out in an ashtray. “Cause I know I need me a break,” she sighed.
“You need to find you a rich ma n like my daddy to take care of you,” Bright replied.
“That type of business don't last forever. I need some life time assurance; hell I got mouths to feed. I gotta go, Queen Bee,” her mother said, grabbing her work bag to head out of the door. “Oh, and before I forget, quit smoking weed in my house, Bright! She gave her daughter a look of authority. “I don't care if you are in the bathroom with it, you ain't grown and the next thing you know they'll all be tryna smoke that shit...and It’s already bad enough that you doing it!”
“Maaa! I don't be smoking no weed up in here, Cordell is lying!” Bright said.
“How did you know Cordell told me anything?” Rosette said looking at Bright with her hand on her hip. “And leave him alone too; he says you’re always getting on him.” Before Bright could speak again, Rosette opened the apartment door to leave then said, “I don't wanna hear it, Bright, just do what I say please.” Then she closed the door behind her.
Bright huffed, “I got his little punk ass,” she said to herself. Then she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. After breakfast, Bright told her siblings to go outside to play, and not to get in or start any trouble, then she called Larry over to break him off.
“Bright, I’ma run over to K-mart to grab a few things, you wanna go with us?” Suge asked, stepping into the living room.
“Who, you and Treasure?” Bright asked.
“Yeah, she's on her way right now.” Suge said.
“Naw, y'all go ahead without me, Larry's on his way over,” Bright replied. “And oh yeah, Blake been asking about you too!” Bright smiled.
Suge laughed. “Blake with his cute self, tell him to call me later on,” Suge said as she grabbed a glass out of the dish rack, then poured herself a glass of orange juice.
“You miss ya mama? Bright asked Suge, seeing the sad look on her face.
“Heck naw! That hoe could choke on something and die, I wouldn't give a fuck! I just been down because of this whole situation, but it's nothing a good ole blunt can’t fix though.” Suge laughed. “You wanna smoke one with us before we leave?” Suge asked, pulling a Swisher Sweet out of her designer bag.
“And you know this!” Bright laughed. Once Treasure got there, they all kicked back in the living room listening to music, puffing, passing the weed and talking, when a knock on the door interrupted them.
Treasure, sitting on the couch by the bay window, whispered, “Bitch the, Po-Po at the door!”
Bright instantly looked at Suge and told her to go hide in her mother's bedroom closet, then she dumped the remains of the blunt down the kitchen sink, sprayed the living room with Febreeze air freshener to kill the smell of the Kush, turned the music down, and then answered the door with a cup of orange juice in her hand.
“Can I help you?” Bright asked.
“Yes we're looking for a Samantha McGraw, is she here?” the officer asked.
“Samantha McGraw?” Bright said dumbfounded. “Oh, you talking about, Suge,” she said, nodding her head.
“Yes; she ran away from home a couple weeks ago, and we have reports that she has a friend that lives here by the name of Bright Sheldon and that she has been in the area, and has possibly been staying here.”
“Wait, Suge ran away?” Bright asked, playing dumb.
“Yes she has, Miss...what’s your name?” he asked her.
“I'm Bright Sheldon, and Suge is my friend, but I didn't know that she ran away from home. She stopped over here last night on her way home. I mean...at least that’s what she told me,” Bright said, looking concerned.
“Are your parents or any other adults in the residence at this time?” the officer asked.
“No, my mother just went to work, but I can assure you that Samantha isn't here.” Bright said.
“How old are you, Miss Sheldon?” he asked
“I'm sixteen, I will be seventeen next week,” Bright answered.
“Do you mind if I take a look around the apartment, Miss
Sheldon?” he asked, not completely believing Bright's story.
“Of course you can, Officer Grub,” Bright said, reading his last name off of his badge. “If you have a search warrant to do so,” she said politely.
Officer Grub gave Bright a nasty look. “If I find out that your friend has been staying here, in this apartment, I'm sending your mother to jail and whatever kids that lives in this house to Social Services. I'll be in the area, watching,” he said, making his way down the stairs.
“Okay, not a problem, and if I see her before you do, I'll let her know that you’re looking for her. Have a good day, officer,” Bright yelled after him, then closed the door.
The second Bright closed the door she said, “Bitch, this shit is getting serious! Suge gone have to call Child Services today! My mama will kill me if she finds out she been harboring a runaway,” she panicked.
“She can go to jail too, Bee,” Treasure said.
Bright called out for Suge to come in the living room as she paced the living room floor thinking of what she could do to make the situation better.
“Here comes Larry, Bee,” Treasure announced, looking out of the window to see if there was any police activity going on outside.
“Okay, let him in, I’ma have Suge call the people in my room.”
“Okay,” Treasure replied, removing herself from the couch to open the door.
Inside the room, Suge called Social Services and explained her whole situation, about how she had ran away from home because her mother was abusing her and had been doing so for over six years. Suge told the lady that she didn't want to go home and that she even wanted to divorce her mother. Suge cried so hard when she asked the lady for help that both Treasure and Bright begin to tear up as they comforted their friend. Finalizing the conversation, it was agreed that Suge would meet the social worker at her office in one hour.
“I'll be there,” Suge said, wiping her eyes.
Moments later, Treasure walked outside to survey the area. Seeing that the coast was clear she gave Larry and Bright the green light to take Suge to the Social Services office. In the backseat of Larry's Mustang, Suge laid across the seat to avoid being spotted.
“You okay back there, Suge?” Larry asked, hearing her sniffle.
“I’ma be better once this shit is all over. Thanks so much for everything too, you guys,” Suge said, wiping her eyes.
“You already know it, Young, you my girl for life, through the good, the bad, and even when I don't act like it, you hear me?” Bright said, then kissed Suge on the forehead.
Suge held Bright tight. “You and Treasure have been my true family, and I’ma never forget it.”
Once they pulled up in the parking lot, Bright and Larry walked Suge inside the building and waited with her until Maria Hernandez took her to the back.
“I love you, Suge, and I don't care where you go, you better keep in touch, okay!”
“Always,” Suge said, as she waved goodbye to Larry and Bright.
Before going back to the apartment, Bright asked Larry to stop her by the post office to mail off a letter to her cousin, when in fact it was really the letter she had written to Chrome.
********** Back at the apartment, Larry and Bright played around in her bed kissing an
d dry humping. “I love you, Bright,” Larry said in between pecks on the lips.
“I love you too, baby, very much,” Bright said, sitting on top of Larry, looking deep into his eyes.
Larry pulled through her long golden hair, as they dazed into each other’s eyes. Yearning to be as one with her, Larry sat up and kissed her passionately. “Fuck, I can’t wait to marry you so I can go to sleep with you every night and wake up and see your beautiful face every morning for the rest of my life.”
“You mean that, Larry?” Bright asked, planting kisses over his face.
“Every word of it, baby, I'm fucking crazy in love with you, girl,” he said, squeezing her breast through her shirt.
“Let’s do it, baby,” Bright said, lifting her shirt to take it off. She liked her nipples played with.
“Not in yo mama house, babygirl, she trust me too much for that,” Larry said, pulling her shirt back down.
“She won’t know, Larry, she still at work,” Bright moaned.
“But your brothers and Ryonna can come up in here at any given moment, boo boo. And I got too much respect for them to get caught up in here like that,” Larry said, continuing to squeeze her breast and fondle her nipples.
“Well, stop teasing me then,” Bright said removing his hands from her breasts, then she climbed off of him.
“Don't be mad, baby, you can have this dick all night, tomorrow night. You still going camping with us, right?”
“I'ma ask my mama tonight, so let me get in there and cook and clean before she gets home, I'll have a better chance of going that way,” Bright said, opening her bedroom door.
Larry stood up and revealed his hard member. “He depending on you, baby,” Larry teased.
“You better stop it, Larry,” Bright said, hungrily licking her lips. “You know I like kissing it,” she said.
“I thought you loved it,” he said, biting down on his bottom lip, grabbing himself.