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  “Damn, like that?” Bright laughed. “Looks like you

  got a Larry on ya hands,” she teased. “You said his name

  is Lil Boo?” Bright asked.

  “Yeah and he fine as fuck, all thugged out and shit,”

  Treasure said, really feeling him.

  “So I guess you not rolling with us to the frat party

  tonight, huh?” Bright asked, disappointed. “Reggie

  gonna be there,” Bright said, hoping that Treasure would

  change her mind.

  “I like Reggie too, Bright. But you already know how

  I get down when I really like a guy. I let them chase me

  around and give 'em the cold shoulder so that when they

  get my time, they will appreciate and value it,” Treasure

  said, honestly.

  Bright rolled her eyes and nodded her head. She

  didn't believe in or use that method to get or keep a

  dude. She believed the more she gave, the more she'd

  get. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Treasure, what’s up with Suge

  though?” she asked. She hadn't seen or heard from her in

  over a week.

  “She still on punishment,” Treasure said, shaking

  her head in disbelief.

  “Poor Suge,” Bright said, missing her little homegirl.


  talking for a few more minutes, Bright went home to get

  prepared for her evening with Larry. Once her mother came home, she called Larry to pick her up so that they could go out and get their party on.

  Part Six


  week after Treasure's seventeenth birthday, Lil Boo had picked her up to take her out to the movies. She was enjoying herself with her

  suwoooo gangsta from Compton. He was indeed one of the most swagged out guys she had ever been out with. Dressed sexy in a fuchsia tube dress, sliver sling backs, and her hair pressed out in a silky wrap, Treasure and Lil Boo were having a great time. After they left the movies, he invited her back over to his house.

  “I’m cool with that,” Treasure said, then gave him a sexy smile.

  “Lil mama, you sexy as fuck, I can get lost looking in them pretty brown eyes of yours,” he said, followed by a wink. “Hope yo man don't mind me stealing you for the night?” Lil Boo teased.

  “I don't have one, unfortunately, the creep that I thought was mine ended up raping my homegirl, now his loser self is in jail,” Treasure said, trying not to lose her classy edge.

  “Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, Lil Mama,” Lil Boo said, then he grabbed her hand. “You better off without a nigga like him in ya life anyways.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Treasure said as tears fell from her eyes. She still felt hurt and bitter over the situation.

  “Are those tears I see in ya eyes?” Lil Boo asked once he pulled into his driveway.

  Treasure nodded her head and closed her eyes. “I'm cool, I guess I didn't realize how much I've really been affected by this.”

  Lil Boo wiped her eyes. “Ain't no crying with me, baby, let’s go inside and get ya mind on something else.” He climbed out of his Benz and then walked around the car to open the door for Treasure to get out.

  Treasure smiled. “You are just too sweet.”

  “Even better than diamonds, I'm a girl’s best friend, sweetheart.” He grabbed her by the hand and led her into his house.

  Inside, Lil Boo gave Treasure a full-body rub down. He enjoyed rubbing on her fat ass, and her eyes pretty brown eyes reminded him of his baby’s mama, Keisha Cones eyes. “Damn blood, you have some beautiful ass eyes...I can just look in 'em all night long.”

  “Really?” Treasure asked, giving him a soft, sensual smile.

  “They look like diamonds.” Lil Boo rubbed his index finger down the spine of her back, then softly in between her booty cheeks, looking her directly in the eyes.

  “I feel like I've known you for a million years.” Then she sat up and gave him a soft, passionate peck on the lips.

  “Can I have some more?” Lil Boo asked, holding Treasure tight in his arms. She felt secure there, and even though she promised herself that she wasn't going to continue to sleep with different guys within the first few dates...tonight she was breaking her own rules, and she wasn't gonna hold anything back.

  “You can have whatever you want from me tonight,” Treasure purred.

  He held her face with both of his hands, kissed her lips, and then whispered in her ear, “I promise I'll be gentle with you.” He sucked, kissed and bit on every inch of her body. She had never had a real orgasm before, and Lil Boo had made her cum twice even before he ate her out or penetrated her. The way he sucked and blew cool air on her hard nipples made her yearn for his touch.

  “You like that?” he asked as he put a condom on his swollen penis. Treasure had never been with a guy with a penis as big as Lil Boo's before. She got excited, expecting, he'd be just as good with his tool as he was with his hands and mouth.

  “Yes, I like that, baby,” Treasures said, spreading her legs apart, welcoming Lil Boo inside of her. After he put the condom on, he climbed on top of her, and took slow, deep thrusts inside of her as he looked into her pretty brown eyes. “I told you I could get lost in them eyes,” he said in a heat of passion.

  “Ohhhh, that feels so good,” Treasure moaned, running her manicured nails through his back and rubbing all over his chest.

  “It does?” Lil Boo responded, pecking her soft lips after each stroke.

  “Yesssss,” she moaned, throwing her pussy back at him,

  fiending for his lips to touch hers and for him to go deeper and deeper inside of her. “It feels so good,” she said, pushing him off of her, so that she could get on top of him.

  “That’s what I like to see, take that dick, brown-eyed girl,” he moaned as he filled both of his hands up with her breasts, then he squeezed her nipples between his fingers to keep them nice and hard.

  “Ohhhh, brown-eyed girl got some bomb ass pussy,” Lil Boo said as she dropped and popped her jewels on him. “Make them titties jump, brown-eyed girl,” Lil Boo begged, on the verge of erupting.

  Excited to make him feel as good as he had made her feel, Treasure moved up and down his love stick, making her titties bounce. Lil Boo flipped her over and put her in a doggy style position, then rode her hard and deep as he slapped her fat ass.

  “Oh, Lil Boo!” Treasure said, continuing to scream and moan as she called out his name.

  “I'm right here baby, let that shit come again,” Lil Boo said, stabbing her G-spot and making her cum all over herself. Treasure thought she'd suffocate for a loss of air, as she screamed and moaned, gasping for air, her body buckled in an orgasm to a point of ecstasy that she had never been to before.

  “Get it baby, get it,” Lil Boo said, then he erupted holding on to Treasure's trembling body. This would be a night that Treasure would never forget.

  ********** “Bright, I ain’ t never-ever got served like this before in my life bitch!” Treasure explained as they walked over to Suge's house. They hadn't heard from her in a while and were worried about her.

  “Damn, so baby got it goin’ on huh?”

  “Man!!!” Treasure yelled, getting hyped, nodding her head. “On everything I love, Lil Boo is the best dick I've ever had.”

  “How old is he?” Bright asked curiously.

  “Like twenty-five, I think,” Treasure said, trying to remember clearly.

  “How old you tell him you were, Treasure?” Bright asked.

  “I told him I was nineteen,” Treasure said as she knocked on Suge's front door.

  “Is Suge here?” Treasure asked after her mother answered the door with a cigarette hanging from her mouth.

  Suge's mother removed the cigarette from her mouth and gave them both nasty looks. “Suge can’t hang with y'all fast asses no more, so don't call or come over here for her no more!” she said, then slammed the door in their faces.
Bright and Treasure looked at each other in disbelief with their mouths hanging open.

  “What the fuck?” Treasure asked, breaking the silence.

  “That bitch don't know anything about us, how she gone come at us like that?” Bright said as they headed out of the yard.

  “Treasure, Bright!.” Suge yelled out of her bedroom window, then waved them over once she grabbed both of their attentions. After making sure the coast was clear of Suge's mother, they both crept back into the yard and ran around to the side of the house to Suge's bedroom window. Suge looked awful.

  “Damn boo, what’s goin’ on?” Bright whispered loudly enough for only Treasure and Suge to hear her.

  “This bitch been fucking me up y'all, for no reason either,” Suge cried. “I'm running away tonight. She knows where you stay at, Treasure, so I need to come to your house, Bright. Just for a few nights, until I call social services on her ass or something. It was obvious from the bumps and the bruises that Suge was being abused.

  Bright nodded her head in agreement.

  “I feel like goin’ in there and kicking your mother's ass!”

  Treasure yelled. “How could she do something like this to her own damn daughter?” Treasure fumed.

  “Shhhh, she may hear you, Treasure,” Suge warned, looking toward her bedroom door.

  “Let her,” Treasure said. “I'm really hot right now about how she got you looking.”

  Trying to get their plan together before they were caught by Suge's mother, Bright spoke quickly. “Where you want us to meet you at? And what time you planning on escaping from this bitch?” Bright said nodding her head in disgust.

  “At about nine o'clock; just meet me at the end of my block,” Suge sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “I may need y'all to help me carry my stuff.” Bright blew Suge a kiss.

  “We'll be there, Suge, don't worry about it,” Bright assured, grabbing Treasure's arm to creep back out of the gate. She was afraid Treasure was about to explode and do something crazy. Her mouth was twisted up, nostrils flared, both of her fists were balled tight and she was breathing so hard that you could see her chest go up and down. Suge nodded her head in agreement and then closed her bedroom curtain. After talking about Suge's situation a little longer, Bright made tracks home because she knew her mother had to leave for work in less than a half an hour and she wanted to ask her if Suge could stay with them for a few days.

  “Maaaaa!” Bright yelled upon entering their apartment.

  “I have a headache, Queen Bee,” her mother said, coming out of the kitchen from preparing a dinner. Seeing her mother resting her head in the palm of her hand and squinting her eyes, Bright took it down a few notches.

  “Sorry Ma, what's wrong? Are you okay?” she asked concerned.

  “Just a hangover, too much damn tequila last night,” she said. Rosette turned the pilots off from under the corn and mashed potatoes and then put the lids on top of them.

  “I guess you and Vince had a good ole time,” Bright laughed as quietly as she could.

  “I guess we did,” she said as a slight smile appeared across her face. “But that’s why I only stick to drinking my beer, no hangovers at all,” she laughed. “Now I just hope this aspirin kicks in before I get to Mrs. Yates house, all that woman does is yell and scream,” she said, taking a seat to put her work shoes on.

  “Poor baby, you'll be alright,” Bright said, sitting on the arm of the couch. “Oh yeah, Ma, can my friend, Suge spend a couple nights over here? Her mom's a workaholic like you and she's always home alone bored,” Bright said.

  “Yeah, I don't have a problem with it as long as her parents don't. Just make sure you guys keep the house nice and tight. And before I forget again,” Rosette remembered, massaging her temples, “Please bring that Xbox back out of the boys’ room, it seems like ever since it's been there, Ramon and his little friend stay locked up in the room hogging the game.”

  “Aight, Ma, I will, and now that you mention it, he does always be locked up in the room by himself or with his little friend. The other day, Cordell almost had to kick the door down to get in there. I thought I heard Cordell tell him to bring the game back in the living room, too” Bright said hunching her shoulders. “But don't worry about the house, you know I been staying on top of it especially since it took us forever to get it this clean,” she laughed. Besides that she didn't want, Larry stepping into a fitly apartment when he came to visit her.

  “Okay, the corn and mashed potatoes are on the stove, and the chicken is in the oven. I'll see you in the morning,” her mother said after she kissed her on the forehead. Then she headed out to her twelve hour nursing shift.

  After Bright rounded her siblings up, she made the youngest two take early baths and told Cordell to take his before going to bed. With Deja still in juvenile detention, Cordell had really stepped up and helped Bright out around the house. He was maturing, and she had hardly ever had any trouble out of him anymore.

  “Why we have to take showers early tonight, Bright?” Ryonna asked her. After the big fight that sent Deja to juvenile, Ryonna had pretty much lost all of her neighborhood friends, and now that she had some new nice playmates, she wanted to stay outside longer to finish playing jump rope with them.

  “You can play longer with your friends tomorrow, Ray, but I have a lot to do tonight, boo butt. Now go on and get in the bathtub before Deja calls.” The mention of Deja's name instantly made a smile appear across Ryonna's face. Happy, she skipped down the hall to take her bath singing out loud, “I'm gone talk to Deja, I'm gone talk to Deja.” Bright smiled, looking at her little sister. She remembered being a happy-go-lucky little girl just like her before. Then suddenly her smile turned into a frown when unhappy and unwanted memories began to fill her head.

  Later on after everybody took their showers, Bright fixed their plates, put them on the table, and told them to come eat while she cleaned the kitchen.

  “After y'all finish eating Ray, wipe the table off like mama showed you with the glass cleaner and napkins. And Cordell, since you the next oldest in line, put the movie on y'all agreed to watch and chill until I get back. Don't open the door for anybody, and if Mama calls tell her I'm in the shower and then call me.” Bright said.

  “Okay, okay, we will,” Cordell said, with a mouth full of food. “I got's this.”

  Bright grabbed her cell phone then ran out to meet up with Terrence. She hadn't seen him since the motel incident, and he said it was important that he speak to her. And since she was low on money she decided she'd give him a few moments of her time. When he pulled up in his black low rider, Bright climbed inside and buckled up. She assumed that since he was driving his cherished low rider, that his truck must have been getting worked on.

  “How you feeling, Beautiful?” Terrence asked cautiously as he rubbed his finger down the side of Bright's face.

  “I'm alright, I guess,” Bright said, forcing tears to burst from her eyes.

  “Look baby, I'ma keep it real with you right now since

  everything is out on the table. I am married, and have been for eight years now. Tameka is my high school sweetheart, so yeah, she does mean a lot to me, and a nigga done took her through hell and back, cheating on her and shit. But I ain't been seeing nobody else since me and you been fucking around. I love you and wanna take care of you. Tameka ain't gone be around too much longer no how, so bear with me, Bright, I need you,” he said, becoming misty-eyed.

  “So what, that mean you about to divorce her?” Bright asked, looking at him, wondering why his eyes were watering up.

  Terrence nodded his head no. “I can’t do that, Bright, Tameka has cancer. She had surgery an er'thing but the shit just keep growing and spreading all over the place. The doctors told us she had two months to live, so understand when I tell you that this shit is complicated. I can't leave her in her time of need, but I don't want to lose you either, so I'm just asking that you bear with me, baby. I got you, you hear me?” he said, pu
lling over in the alley behind the Shaky's Pizza on Paramount Blvd. and South Street to kiss her lips.

  “You should have told me, baby, I would have listened to you and understood. But now you got me feeling like you playing games wit me. And as much as I want to believe you right now, Terrence…I don't, baby,” Bright said, wiping the tear that had formed and leaked from his eye.

  “You think I’d be out here crying and shit like a lil bitch for nothing, Bright? This shit fucking hurts my heart! It's tearing me up inside knowing that my wife gone leave this earth soon and it ain't shit I can do to change that...and now I'm about to lose you too!” he said, looking her in her eyes. “Give me a fucking break, baby, I wouldn't just hurt you for nothing,” he said, grabbing her face so she could look him in the eyes.

  Bright took a deep breath. “I wanna believe you, baby, but you broke that trust,” she said, looking him back in his eyes.

  Terrence grabbed his cell phone, scrolled down to his wife Tameka's number, put the phone on speaker, and then told Bright to be quiet.

  After three rings, a woman’s voice that Bright remembered to be the lady’s from the Motel 6 answered. “Hey, Teddy Bear,” she sang into the phone.

  “Hey Teddy Mama, how you feeling right now?” he asked.

  “I'm okay, Teddy, you don't have to call and check on me every five minutes,” she laughed.

  “I know, it’s just that I wanna make sure you’re alright, all the time, you know?” Another tear managed to fall from his eye. Bright wiped it away.

  “When I go, Teddy, I want you to know that I've made peace with this whole thing. I'm not afraid of dying and going home to my heavenly father. I'm suffering here you know, always in pain, I won’t have to suffer no more when I die.”

  The moment was so emotional that Bright had even begun to shed tears. To her, Tameka was a strong woman, and she felt bad about her situation.

  “You say you made peace with it baby, but I haven't. I'm

  hurting out here over this,” he said as his voice cracked.

  “For me, Teddy, be strong baby, okay? You have to be strong for me like I'm being for you. I love you, Teddy Bear, and when you come home tonight I just want to hug and celebrate the time that I do have left with you. Speaking and thinking of only happy times, you hear me?”