after dinner.
“Who said I give my treats out that soon, anyways?”
Bright said like she was hard to get.
“Hold on,” Terrence said stopping in his tracks.
“You just said you were nasty like me, though.” Bright laughed, “I am, but that didn't mean you
were gonna find out anytime soon.”
“Let’s go get our grub on,” Terrence said recovering,
from laughter.
Inside, after busting out her ID, Bright had the
waiter bringing her drinks back to back. She had quickly
taken down three Top Shelf Margaritas, and two shots of
Patron while they waited on their food. By the time
dinner was served, it was fair to say that Bright was
fucked up.
“You not gone eat ya food?” Terrence asked, seeing
that she was feeling herself.
A wicked smile appeared across Bright's face. “I'm
saving my appetite to eat you,” she said, licking her lips
and squinting her eyes at him.
Terrence cleared his throat, then threw his arm in the
air, “Check please!” he said, signaling their waiter over.
After he paid for their food and drinks and tipped the
waiter, they made their way to his truck.
Inside the truck, Bright didn't waste any time getting
the party started. She got on her knees, unbuckled
Terrence’s pants, pulled his penis out, and then told him
to drive. Terrence didn't hesitate; he started his truck up
and pulled out of the parking lot. He loved getting head on the road. Bumping Aaliyah, Terrence moaned softly as he gently guided Bright's head up and down the shaft of his hard penis. In the bedroom, Bright was more of a giver then a taker, and enjoyed performing oral sex more
than anything.
“You like that?” Bright moaned, removing her wet
mouth from his penis.
“This shit is the fucking best, baby! Don't stop
though,” he moaned, rubbing his hand through her hair. Aiming to tease, Bright said, “That was just a little
sample.” Then she got off of her knees and back into the
passenger seat.
“We almost there, baby,” Terrence said in a sexy and
composed tone, then he increased his speed to the motel. Pulling up in the parking lot of the Motel 6 in Long
Beach off of Downey Ave. and Artesia Blvd., Terrence
parked his truck then went inside to pay for a room
while Bright waited inside his truck taking puffs off of
the Granddaddy Kush that he had provided. A few
minutes later, Terrence was tapping on the passenger
window, signaling for her to get out. After she dumped
the remains of the blunt in the ashtray she climbed out of
the truck and followed him up a flight of stairs to their
“You need somethin’ from the store?” He asked
Bright once they were inside the room. He wanted to
make sure Bright was as comfortable as possible before
he fucked the shit out of her.
“I'm good,” Bright said. “Just feeling nasty and all
Xrated.” She bit down on her bottom lip and moaned as
she gave him her sexy face. “You wanna help me out of
my clothes?” Bright asked Terrence, standing and looking at him over her right shoulder. She was ready to
perform and satisfy.
“Give a nigga a strip tease or somethin’,” he said,
licking his lips. “Take 'em off...slowly.” He paused, then
reached in his pocket and retrieved a bundle of money.
“I'm tipping,” he smiled.
Turning to face him, Bright put a sexy smile on her
face. “Take it off slow like this?” Bright demonstrated,
slowly removing her top off.
“Yeah, like that, Sexy Bright,” Terrence said as he
began to throw twenty dollar bills in her direction. As
Bright continued to inch each piece of her clothing off
like she was a seasoned dancer, Terrence couldn't take
his eyes off of her. He was hypnotized by her deep
beauty, flawless body and her ability to fuck a man
without touching him. Once she got down to having
nothing but her G-string on, she stood directly in front of
Terrence, bent over, then slowly removed her G-string as
he squeezed and slapped on her ass.
“Spank me, Ice,” she said, stroking his ego, knowing
he liked the way she moaned his street name. Making her
ass giggle, Bright was infamous for her dance skills; it
was what taught her how to perform and please a man.
Her peers would always tell her that she would make a
killing in the strip game, but Bright was more
interested in having a baller take care of her, and in
return she'd take care of him. Up until having sex with
Larry, Bright didn’t really understand what sex was
supposed to feel like for a woman, nor did she take the
time to try and learn it. In her opinion, sex was
overrated and was primarily for the pleasure of a man.
But since she was great at it and loved to perform and please, she considered it her most precious weapon to
gain anything from the male species.
Not able to take anymore, and wanting desperately
to get inside of Bright, Terrence begin to roll a condom
on his swollen penis.
Seeing that, Bright stopped him from putting the
condom on, and then fell on her knees to taste it again.
“No baby, I wanna suck it some more,” she begged. Even
more than performing sex, Bright enjoyed giving oral sex
more than anything. It was something about sucking on a
fat piece of meat that turned her on and made her moist. “Get that dick, Sexy Bright,” Terrence moaned,
letting his head fall back from the wrath of her warm,
juicy mouth. He loved the way her soft lips sucked and
nibbled on the head of his penis.
As Bright worked overtime sucking and slurping on
Terrence penis, then softly biting on the head of it,
Terrence began to moan heavily.
“Oh shit, suck that dick, girl, I'm about to bust,” he
moaned, holding the back of Bright's head as she deep
throated him.
“Give me that nut,” Bright managed to say after
coming up for air. She sucked and bit on the head of his
penis a few more times, then said, “Give it to me baby.”
Terrence had never had his dick sucked so good before,
or by a girl as young as Bright. She sucked his dick like
an art that she had a deep passion for, and the noises she
made were toe-curling. And no matter how hard he tried
prolonging the pleasure and from erupting in her mouth,
he couldn't help it. It shot out like a space shuttle going
to another planet.
“OHHHHHHH, SHIT!” Terrence moaned, holding
Bright's head as he released in her mouth. “Oh shit that was the fucking best,” he said, recovering from his orgasm while Bright sucked him dry. “Aw shit!” he
continued to moan.
After Bright spit his semen out in a wash cloth, she
smiled, knowing she had him right where she wanted
him. Then she climbed on top of him, rested her head on
his chest and whispered, “I love sucking on yo dick,
Terrence, and if I was your girl, I would suck it all the
; time, day or night.”
Terrence rubbed through Bright's hair breathing
heavily; she had sucked the breath straight out of him.
“You my girl then,” he said, then kissed Bright on her
forehead before falling asleep. An hour later Terrence
woke up to a sniffling Bright crying in his arms. “What’s
wrong with you, baby?” Terrence asked, lifting up to see
her face.
Playing the innocent girl role, Bright cried, “I don't
know what got into me, but I can’t believe I gave you
head on our first date. I feel like such a hoe and I don't
normally get down like that,” she said as she began to
sob even harder. “It must have been the alcohol.” she
said in between cries.
Terrence grabbed her face. “Sometimes shit happens,
baby, and it don't make you no hoe either.” Then he
teased, “You damn near got a nigga all in love and shit,
with all that good head you just gave me. So as far as I'm
concerned, you my baby, and I'm yo daddy.” He wiped
her eyes and then kissed her on the nose. “You one sexy
ass bitch,” he said, not able to get enough of her beauty.
Bright moaned, then Terrence spread her legs apart,
strapped it up, and slowly inched his penis as deep
inside of Bright's wet pussy as he could until he exploded
again. Then before leaving the room, he fucked her doggy style like there was no tomorrow as he pulled through her long golden hair. After that he took her home before his wife started blowing him up.
Part Four
“Bitch, so you telling me that ya boy, Ice, got a little dick?” Treasure asked Bright the next morning inside of her bedroom.
“Yes, it's on the itty -bitty side, he ain't got nothing on Larry,” she said, nodding her head. “But he did break the girl off, and I know I'll be getting a lot more of that” she laughed.
“I bet you will be too,” Treasure teased. “Big pockets for little things!” Then they both fell into laughter.
********** Bright's mind was consumed with Larry Lane and Terrence's money. And even though she felt bad about cheating on Larry, she knew that the money would make up and compensate for the guilt. After helping her mother around the house, Bright hooked up with Larry and played the PlayStation at his house, and later on, she treated him to dinner and a movie. But before he dropped her back off at home, they sat in the back seat of his Mustang at Huntington Park, wrapped up in each other’s arms, kissing and telling each other how much they loved each other.
Larry was the only guy Bright was ever able to be herself around. He made her laugh, smile and feel happy inside. She didn't have to pretend in bed and swallow his nut to turn him on. He actually catered to her, and made love to her. Being with Larry made Bright feel mushy; it was sincere, and it felt very real. But if Bright hadn't known from the gate that Larry was a future basketball star, she would have never given him the time or the day, and would have probably missed out on real love. Her infatuation with money and the material things that it bought her kept Bright cheating and creeping, and she didn't plan on stopping until Larry was on top.
Pulling up in front of her apartment building, Larry had to pry Bright off of him. He took his lips from hers and smiled. “It’s getting late, baby, and we don't want Moms to catch us out here like this,”
“I hate leaving your side, Larry Lane.” She kissed his lips once more, then climbed out of his car.
“I keep telling you, I'ma marry you and make you my wife!” he winked, then pulled off of her street.
Feeling like it was all a big dream, Bright skipped into the apartment playing house in her head and fell asleep with a big smile on her face.
********** Here it was almost the middle of summer, and Bright was still balancing both her money man, Terrence, and her lover boy, Larry Lane, without getting caught. Stretching, then sitting up in her bed rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Bright planned on going out to buy and surprise Larry with a fresh pair of Jordan’s, like she did whenever guilt would consume her for cheating on him. She would constantly reason with herself that Terrence was only temporary until Larry caught his big break, but until then she was gonna continue to milk him dry. “Wake it up, Queen Bee, it's time to clean house,”
her mother yelled through the apartment. Rosette gave her daughter the nickname Queen Bee because she acted as if she were royalty and had what people called a diva attitude.
Bright thought to herself, When did they ever have to clean? Their houses stayed nasty. “Maaaa!” Bright yelled as she walked to the living room to see what was going on.
“Don't ‘Ma’ me,” Rosette snapped back. “It's time to clean house!” she said kicking through a pile of dirty clothes on the living room floor.
Bright sucked her teeth, “ Ma, when does anybody ever clean up around here?” she asked.
“Well if your high yellow ass wants somewhere to lay yo head, I guess we'll all be cleaning up this pig's sty today!” she said with her hands on her hips. “Section eight inspectors are coming out Tuesday morning.”
“Mama, but it's Sunday though,” Bright whined. “Why are we cleaning so early?” She knew that since they were up for inspection that there was no escaping housework, but she was confused as to why they had to clean up two days in advance.
“Yes I know its Sunday, smart ass!” her mother said, giving her a dumb facial expression. “But it's gonna at least take us two good days to get this place in order!” Rosette paused to catch her breath. “Look around here Queen Bee, this place is filthy,” she said seriously.
“Man, I have to do everything around here,” Bright said, marching back to her bedroom for a change of clothes. “Ma, are the rest of your kids going to be participating in the family festivities today?” she yelled, changing clothes in her bedroom.
“Until I can find they lazy, trifling asses, I guess it's just me and you. Now come on, and let’s get to it! Oh, and by the way, your Highness, Larry called for you while I was cleaning the bathroom,” she said sarcastically. “So hurry up and call him back right quick so we can clean up this house up!”
“Larry?” Bright asked, peeping her head out her bedroom.
“Naw, Larry!” her mother said giving her another dumb facial expression, and then threw her hands in the air. “What you be smoking on, Bright?” her mother asked her, then quickly nodded her head. “Never mind, don't even answer that. Just hurry up and make your phone call, so you can get in here to help,” she said.
Bright made her way to the cordless phone in her room. “I hope ya lazy kids find their way back home by the time I get off the phone, Ma. It's already unfair enough that I gotta play mom when you’re gone to work and then have to turn around and do they house work too,” Bright fussed.
“Well tough cookie, big sister! 'Cause guess what? I go to work to take care of you too, and on top of that I give you more than I give the others, and I make it possible for you to have your own bedroom when I should be the one with my own room. I shouldn't have to be sharing a room with my two youngest daughters. But I do that to compensate you for all the extra shit that you have to do around here! So quit complaining before I start complaining on how high ya ass be walking up in here, and the different hours of the night you be walking up in here!” Rosette paused, seeing that she had Bright's full attention. “Now I like Larry a lot, don't get me wrong, but I'll even start cutting his time short too! Do you understand, Queen Bee?” her mother said sarcastically.
“I know, Ma, I know, I was only kidding...and I don't be smoking no weed either,” Bright lied. “I just want Deja, Cordell, Ramon and Ryonna to help around here too, 'cause you work hard and should be able to come home to a clean house sometimes,” Bright said, hoping to get her mother off of her tail.
Rosette thought, I knew I'd get her to shut her big mouth up!
It wasn't that Rosette didn't care about the things Bright was doing, she just really didn't have the time to be home and enforce the laws of her home to her children. She worked twelve and sometimes twenty-four hour shifts at a time at her nursing job, in order to provide for her children. So she knew there were some things she wouldn't be able to stop without the help that she didn't have. And since it was only weed, and Bright wasn't a high school dropout, a drug addict, or a pregnant minor, she didn't feel like her smoking weed was such a big deal.
After Bright got off the phone with Larry, she ran out and found all of her siblings, then brought them back home to help clean up. Once her mother gave everybody jobs to perform, she thumped her 1980's mix smooth groove CD, and got to work. Bright prepped the laundry for the wash, while Deja and Ryonna had trash detail - they had to collect trash from every room in the house. Cordell and Ramon were on wall detail - scrubbing the walls from top to bottom.
Rosette worked in both the kitchen and living room, cleaning underneath the surfaces, trying her hardest to make her house look like a home. When the girls were finishing picking up trash around the apartment, they went to assist Bright, hanging and folding laundry, in the on-site laundry facility. Then finally by eight p.m., the house was spotless and dinner was served. Rosette fried a batch of chicken wings, baked some French fries, and made a hearty house salad. For once in a long time, they sat down and ate dinner together like a family, in their clean apartment. It was a proud, long-overdue moment for Rosette and everybody was happy.
fter Rosette fixed dinner and gave her children orders to follow, she headed to the door to go to work. She was so proud of how her children were
keeping the house up, that she worked extra hours at her second job to put new furniture in the house. Rosette bought everyone new beds and bought a new flat screen TV for the living room. Now all she needed was a brand new living room suite and dining room table, and after her next paycheck, she would be able to do just that.
“I love you guys! Be good, and listen to your sister while I'm gone. I'll take you guys to Mc Donald's for breakfast in the morning, okay?” she yelled before leaving the apartment.
“We will!” they all yelled back in unison, taking turns on their Xbox in the living room.
“See you later, Ma, these kids know better than to try me, 'cause I'll beat'em!” Bright teased, yelling out of the kitchen window to her mother as she was getting in her car. Rosette backed out of her parking stall laughing. “You better be nice to my babies, Queen Bee,” she said as she drove away.