“Ma, that don't mean he can’t help you out a little bit; he is your so called man,” Bright snapped with attitude. She couldn't believe her mother would sleep with a man as long as she had been with Vince and still allow herself to be broke the next morning.
“Well he does when I ask him to! Now leave me alone so I can shut my eyes, Queen Bee!” her mother snapped back. “All up in my business like she got some damn money to foot the bills,” her mother mumbled out loud.
“Well how much do you need, Ma?” Bright asked driving down Artesia Blvd.
“Give me five hundred dollars and I'll stay out for the rest of the week, Mrs. got-all-the damnanswers,” she sat up looking at Bright.
Once they approached the red light on Orange Ave, Bright grabbed her purse and pulled out five crispy one hundred dollar bills then passed it to her mother. “And there is a lot more money where that came from too,” Bright said, then put her foot to the gas once the light turned green.
Shocked, her mother said, “Where did this money come from, Bright?” She wondered where and how her daughter had gotten her hands on that type of money.
“Calm down, Ma, I got it from Larry,” she said, looking from her mother to the road. “He gives me money every other week, and I been saving it until after I have the babies,” she lied.
“Well, I won’t take it!” her mother said. “That money is for you and my grandbabies,” she said, ending the conversation.
“Ma, take it, I have a lot of money, Larry’s family has cheese and he really has it to give away. So I'm giving it to you, I already have everything I need for the babies. Don't you see all that stuff in my room?” she asked. She had been preparing for the babies and buying things weekly, not to mention all of the items Terrence had been surprising her with.
Rosette didn't like the idea of taking money from her daughter, but since she had it to give, she was gonna accept it. “Okay, but just this one time. I don't want Larry taking care of my responsibility. Matter of fact, I'm giving it back, every red penny, you hear me?” she said, tucking the money in her bra.
“I'm not taking it, Ma, and when me and Larry get married, you won’t ever have to worry about working ever again either! Larry thinks you and his mother both deserve a permanent break from work, and I agree!” Bright said seriously.
Rosette smiled. “Thanks, but no thanks.” Then she climbed out of her car once Bright pulled up in front of the apartment building. “Hurry back with my car too!” Then she headed in the direction of her apartment.
********** Bright had no intentions of going to pick up school work; she needed to borrow her mother's car to go holler at Lil Boo. She needed to know exactly what he told Treasure before she ended up getting caught up in a lie, so she drove herself to Compton to speak to him. On the ride over, Terrence was blowing her phone up, but she didn't answer. She had enough money, and she wasn't in the mood to fuck or suck him off.
P ulling up on Lil Boo’s street, Bright was happy to see his cars parked in his driveway. After parking on the street, she climbed out of the car, walked up his driveway, and knocked on his door. He answered the door looking breathtaking. He was dressed in all-white linen and Gucci tennis shoes, and her vagina immediately became moist just thinking of the wild sex they had had.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of ya fine as just popping up at a nigga door without first calling?” Lil Boo said, undressing her with his eyes. Pregnant and all, she still looked good to him.
Bright smiled. “Can I come inside?” she asked with her hand on her hip, checking him out.
“Yeah, you can come inside,” he said softly, then licked his lips.
Bright followed him inside, swinging her ass left to right as sexily as she could, then she took a seat on his couch. “So what you tell Treasure?” she wanted to know.
“I ain't tell Treasure shit, my big mouth homeboy spilled that shit on Piru,” Lil Boo said, taking a seat next to her on the couch. “When she asked me that shit, I told her we smoked a blunt in the backyard then I gave you bath towels to wash ya ass with, and a sheet and blanket for you to sleep with,” he said honestly.
Bingo, he told her we smoked a blunt, Bright thought. “Why you tell yo homeboy, though?” Bright asked. “You know you messed up a beautiful thing, right?” Bright would have crept with him a few more times if he would have had a tighter grip on his mouth.
“Yeah I did,” Lil Boo smiled. He knew Bright was referring to herself, but he was going to work his hand at another shot of her superb head and a chance of sticking his dick back in her soak in wet pregnant pussy. “A nigga do miss Treasure too, with that sweet tasting ass pussy of hers. I can't even get baby girl to come through no more...with them beautiful eyes.” He knew if he disregarded Bright and showed her little interest that she'd go out of her way to demand his attention by giving it up. He knew hoe's of her caliber - Straight slut, he thought as he looked at her.
Bright laughed. “Yeah okay, but anyways, that was all I came through for, seeing that I'm not missed or wanted around here,” she stood preparing to leave.
“You a lie,” Lil Boo quickly said, taking a different approach. Now that she was in his house, he wanted her butt naked and in his bed. “I miss you too. Too bad we couldn't all come to some type of understanding, cause I got enough dick for the both of y'all fine asses.”
Bright chuckled, “Nigga you ain't got enough dick for me alone, paleaseeee!” she sighed, stretching and poking her breasts out to reveal her hard nipples.
Seeing hard nipples, Lil Boo reached out and grabbed them both. “Let’s try again,” Lil Boo said, then grabbed his swollen penis. “I hear pregnant pussy is the best pussy too,” he smiled.
Bright pushed him on the couch, took her clothes off, and then sat on his lap. “How you want this pussy, boy?” She asked him seductively as she straddled him.
“You like riding dick?” He asked, slapping her hard on her ass. Then he leaned over and grabbed a condom out of the jar full of condoms that he kept on his end table. “Put that on for me,” he said, passing her the Magnum condom.
Bright carefully moved to her knees, unwrapped the condom, then placed it in her mouth and on his fat penis. Then she stood up with his penis in her hand and gently guided it inside of her wet tunnel. Giving Lil Boo a ride doggy style he played with her clit and made her cum quicker than she had expected. Moans began to escape from her mouth and she began to tremble. Lil Boo grabbed her by the waist and slammed her up and down his penis until he came. Then he pulled her by the hair and whispered in her ear, “I have plenty of dick to go around.”
Bright smiled, “How much money do you have to go around, though?” She stood up to put her pants back on.
“Enough,” Lil Boo said, waiting on her gold-digging ass to ask him for some.
Bright threw her right hand out and said, “Can I have some?”
Lil Boo laughed. “I don't pay bitches to fuck, they pay me. Now if you don't mind, I have business to take care of,” he said, walking to the bathroom to wash his dick off.
Bright felt not only degraded but disrespected. How could he, she thought. “Oh shit, it's like that?” Bright smiled to keep from crying.
“Yeah, just like that,” Lil Boo said, followed with a smile. “But hey, come again, I'll be available next Tuesday,” he said, walking her to the door.
“Pleaseeee! Yo broke ass ain't never gotta worry about hitting this again!” Bright said, looking him up and down, allowing her emotions to show on her face. She couldn't believe he played her like that.
“That’s cool too,” he said as she walked out of his door.
“Because yo homegirl got better pussy than you do anyways, you trick ass bitch!” Then he slammed his door shut and fell into laughter. He dealt with top of the line females and only fucked with hoes when he was lonely. And on Tuesdays, all his females were at work and Bright came right on time.
“No, this broke ass nigga didn't,” Bright said, walking down his driveway. Then she grabb
ed her mother's Honda car key and went to town on both sides of his Benz. After she was satisfied keying his paint up, she yelled, “Yeah nigga, now the cost is on ya car, bitch!” then she hurried to her mother’s car and made her way back to north side of Long Beach.
Part Twelve
t school, Bright found excuse after excuse to leave early. She hated being there and since she had a sickly pregnancy. It was nothing for her to throw
up a few times and get sent home. She was tired of school, and suddenly begin to hate being pregnant. She felt fat, ugly, and was tired of everybody making a bigger deal over the babies than her. It was always “the babies this” or “the babies that”. Larry was so afraid of accidentally hurting them that he hardly ever had sex with her and when they did it, it was extremely boring. After being excused from school for the day, Bright called Larry to pick her up.
“Baby, come pick me up from school, I'm not feeling well,” Bright said into the phone once he answered.
“You’re not feeling well again, baby? Is that normal? Are the babies okay?” Larry asked in a panic.
Bright rolled her eyes. “Yes boo, the babies are okay, it's me that’s not feeling well,” she snapped with attitude. “It's not always about the babies, you know?”
“Quit being jealous, Pretty Bright,” Larry teased. “Go to Burger King, I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes,” he said, then ended the call.
Bright went inside of Burger King, ordered a chicken salad, then sat and waited for Larry to pick her up. Ten minutes later, she saw his mother’s van pull into the lot. She couldn't stand riding around in the old minivan, but she figured at least she'd get some alone time with him today. Outside, she was surprised and disappointed to see Larry's mother pull in front of the restaurant, smiling and waving at her to get in. Bright liked Larry's mother, she was a very nice lady. However, because she was a religious woman, Bright tried to avoid her as much as possible, because she was always quoting scriptures from the Bible and asking Bright when she was going to church with her.
“Hey Mrs. Lane, I didn't know you were coming to pick me up, thanks!” Bright said, pretending to be happy to see her. She was hoping to spend some quality time with Larry.
“Larry was busy studying, so he asked me to pick you up,” she smiled. “Are you alright?” she asked Bright.
“This pregnancy keeps me sickly,” Bright replied, getting inside the van.
“I know the feeling, Larry kept me sick as a dog too.” She gave Bright a comforting pat in the knee then drove out of the parking lot.
“So where am I taking you?” she asked kindly.
“I guess home, since your son never has time for me anymore,” Bright complained.
Mrs. Lane said, “Oh, don't feel that way, sweetheart. You and the babies are the reason my son pushes so hard,” she said sincerely. “He says he's gonna be everything that his father was to him, a good father.” She laughed. “That man died with a dream and vision and was a good man, and I'm so proud that Larry is following his father's footsteps,” she smiled.
A father was something that Bright had never had. When she was a kid and would fall and skin her knee, she'd always hope that when she looked up, that her father would be there to pick her up, kiss her wounds, and make everything better. Something about being a fatherless child did something to Bright and made her feel empty inside.
“Tell me about your father, Bright?” Mrs. Lane asked.
Bright put on her pretend face and begin to speak. “My father was a very wealthy and well-known rock star. And he used to make the biggest deal over me,” she sighed. “My life used to be like a real fairy tale before he passed away,” she lied, because the truth hurt her too much.
Once Mrs. Lane dropped Bright off at home, Bright went inside and tried to make herself eat the salad she bought from Burger King. As usual, her appetite was spoiled, so she went and grabbed her stash of Kush weed out of her bedroom closet and rolled up a fat blunt. Since Bright didn't have a lighter and her mother wasn't home, she lit the blunt on the kitchen stove, then quickly ran through the living room and to the front door. Opening the front door, Bright was caught off guard with Suge's presence; she was about to knock on the door.
“Sugeeeeeeeee!” Bright yelled, hugging her friend, while inhaling and balancing the blunt that dangled from in between her lips.
“Hey preggo Bright,” Suge said, just as happy to see Bright as she was to see her. “What you doing smoking while you’re pregnant?” Suge asked with a disagreeing look on her face.
“Girl, I can’t even get an appetite if I don't smoke,” she answered truthfully, hitting the weed once more.
Suge nodded her head. “That’s all bad,” she responded, then extended her hand for the weed.
Bright hit it again then passed it to her. Suge hit it once and then choked on the smoke. “Damn, I ain't had no weed in a minute,” she said hitting it again, then passing it back to Bright.
“How's it been at your new home?” Bright asked, putting the blunt out.
“I really like my new foster parents, like I told you. They Muslims and all, but they cool as fuck! Sister Mohammad takes me to the mass with her and spends a lot of time talking to me about me and how I feel,” she smiled happily. Her mother never took such interest in her.
“That’s good, Suge, I'm really happy for you,” Bright said, walking back into the apartment. “Don’t go all bean pie and on pork strike on me either,” she teased.
Suge laughed. “I've honestly never been a big pork fan anyways, so it's not like I'm missing it,” she replied.
“You heard from that bitch?” Bright said, referring to Suge's mother.
“Yeah, a couple weeks ago she called me and I listened, end of story,” Suge quickly said.
“No, she didn't have the nerve to call you! What, she want you to come home?” Bright said in disbelief.
Suge shook her head no. “She called to apologize to me and tell that she loved me,” she giggled. “And I actually believed her, well, at least after talking to Sister Mohammad, I believed her. She told me she was going to counseling and everything.”
“Fuck her and her apology!” Bright said, heading to the restroom to freshen up.
Suge laughed, “I know, right! But I forgave her anyways, Bright, Sister Mohammad said that forgiveness is the key to new and successful beginnings.”
“Sister Mohammad is getting on my last nerve already, with her selfrighteous self,” Bright teased, drying her hands. “How ‘bout after I have the babies, me, you, Treasure, and Sister Mohammad go jump that hoe?” Bright said seriously. “And I know Treasure would be down for that,” then she, rubbed lotion on her face, arms, and hands.
“People do messed up things when they ain't right, Bright, so no, we won’t be jumping on my mother,” Suge said nonchalantly. Like how you fucked Chrome, Suge thought.
“Well, let me know if you change your mind,” Bright teased.
After a few awkward moments of silence, Suge begin to speak. “Bright, I wanna talk to you about something that I found in your room the last time I was here,” she said seriously.
“Holla,” Bright said, taking a seat on the living room couch.
Suge sat down on the couch across from Bright then said, “Well, one day I was in your room, and I dropped your cell phone behind your bed, and when I went to grab it, I found a letter from Chrome to Treasure and my curiosity got the best of me and I read it,” she said, giving her friend direct eye contact. “And I was wondering why you forged a letter to him in Treasure's name?”
Being a great liar, Bright was prepared to answer the question. “Because he kept bothering Treasure, writing her every other week; and after everything he had done to me, I was sick and tired of hearing his damn name. So I decided to write him back pretending to be Treasure, hoping that he'd leave her the fuck alone!” She became angry thinking about the way he had beat her.
Getting straight to the point, Suge asked, “Did he really rape you
Bright?” She wanted to know the truth.
With a disbelieving look on her face, Bright spat, “How dare you even ask me some shit like that, Suge! What, you think I just fucked the nigga?” she snapped. “Treasure's my best friend - I would of never did no shit like that to her!” she said offensively. Before Suge could reply and remind her of the words she wrote on the letter, their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Bright asked, walking to the door.
“It's me, Treasure!” Treasure yelled from the other side of the door.
Before opening the door, Bright gave Suge a sign for her to keep her lips sealed. Suge nodded her head in agreement. “What’s up, bestie?” Bright said, opening the door for Treasure.
“Why you leave school early today Bee? I was looking for you,” Treasure said, landing her eyes on Suge. “Hey Suge, look at you!” Treasure said, meeting her halfway for a hug. “I been missing you boo!” Treasure sang happily.
“I been missing you too Treasure,” Suge said, becoming emotional. “What’s been up though?” She asked.
Treasure took a seat on the couch with Suge and said, “Drama girl! Did Bee fill you in on the Lil Boo and Nicole issue yet?” She asked, looking at Bright.
Bright spoke up, “No, we've been talking about Suge and her new home life,” Bright smiled, hoping to change the subject. “And I wasn't even thinking about that drama and them meaningless ass people. Fuck both of 'em,” she said irritated.
“What happened?” Suge asked curiously, looking from Treasure to Bright. She had a feeling that Bright was trying to cover up something and she wanted to know what it was. After Treasure told her the complete story, Suge’s mouth was hanging wide open. “Not Nicole, she was the homegirl, why y'all jump her?” Suge asked.