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  “I only lied because I wanted to be with you, Terrence,” she said, looking directly in his eyes. “I love you, baby, and that’s why I'm telling you the truth now,” Bright said, wiping her tears away.

  Feeling as if he had been stabbed in the back, Terrence begin to speak in anger. “No, you telling me now because you’re fucking pregnant!” he said, unable to look at her. “I can’t believe this shit,” he said, nodding his head. “I been fucking a little ass girl all this damn time,” he said unbelievingly.

  Bright hadn't planned or expected for things to get this

  dramatically out of hand. She thought, Seventeen, eighteen, what's the big difference? Looking at him like he had lost his mind, Bright said, “So what does a fucking number have to do with what we share in our hearts and how we feel about each other? I'm seventeen, I love you, you love me and now we about to have this baby,” she blurted out with slight attitude. “So what’s up, Ice? You got me or not?” she asked him.

  With mixed emotions running through his blood, Terrence was unable to think or respond logically. “I’ma always take care of my kids, that’s not the fucking problem!” he yelled. He took care of all three of his children financially, even if he didn't see them as often as he'd liked. “You got me on fire right now, Bright, and I’ma take you home before I end up doing something crazy to yo ass!” He started his truck up and pulled out of the gas station parking lot.

  Bright thought, This nigga is really tripping. Getting pissed off that things weren't working out the way she had planned they would, she spat, “Well if that’s how you’re feeling, then you can give me some money for an abortion, and I can be on top of that like tomorrow morning,” she said, hoping to strike a nerve.

  Terrence swerved into the next lane, almost causing an

  accident. It took everything in him not to slap the fuck out of Bright for her comment. Slamming his fist on the dashboard of his Escalade, he said, “I wish the fuck you would abort my baby, girl!” Bright had him boiling inside. “Matter of fact, let me hurry the fuck up and drop yo ass off right quick, because you really about to make a nigga slap the dog shit out of you,” he said, driving sixty miles per hour down Artesia Blvd. “And trust me, I don't mind slapping the fuck out of a bitch either!”

  “Oh, so you wanna slap me now? Okay then.” She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.

  Pulling up on her street with brakes that could stop on a dime, he quickly stopped in front of her building, causing his tires to screech. “Get out!” He said, unable to look at her.

  “Fuck it!” Bright said, then climbed out of his truck.

  The second her feet touched the pavement, Terrence burned rubber off of her street and onto the Blvd. Bright was so furious that she was ready to pick a fight with anybody who looked at her the wrong way. Walking up the stairs of her building, she took deep breaths to contain herself, then she opened her apartment door.

  “It sure took you a long time to get back, and where the hell are Treasure's things at?” Her mother asked her once she entered the apartment empty-handed.

  “I asked him to take me to the liquor store, and on our way back, Treasure called, so we stopped over there,” Bright said, walking down the hallway to her bedroom.

  “Yeah, I bet,” her mother said before Bright closed her bedroom door. She knew there was more to the story, but since she planned on enjoying her day off from work watching football, she lit a cigarette, cracked open a can of beer, and enjoyed the game.

  Inside her room, Bright called Treasure to tell her what had just happened. In the middle of their conversation, Larry beeped through on the other line. Practically hanging up on, Treasure, Bright answered his call. “Larry, where have you been and why haven't you been answering my calls?” Bright immediately asked him.

  “Babe, calm down with all the questions, I was at practice, then afterwards I rode with my Moms to the valley,” Larry said convincingly. However, the truth was that he was unable to answer his phone when he was on the clock at work, and since he only had another five minutes left on his first break, he had to talk quickly.

  “So what that mean? You couldn't answer your phone are something?” Bright stood up and put her hand on her hip. She had already had enough for one day.

  “Babe, come on,” Larry whined. “I've been so busy with school and basketball lately that I haven't even had to the time to get much rest,” he complained. “I rode out there with Moms and slept the whole way there and back.” He was hoping that Bright would cut him some slack.

  Bright smiled; she could tell that Larry was being sincere.

  “Sorry, Daddy Lane, I know you have a full plate, but at least try to answer most of my calls, okay baby?” She said in her baby voice.

  Instantly, Larry felt relieved. “Ok, baby, and stop stressing ya’self over small stuff, we want our baby to be as healthy as possible,” he said sincerely with a smile on his face.

  “I promise, Daddy Lane,” Bright said then blew him a kiss over the phone. “Now come pick me up! I miss you.” Bright said happily.

  “I can’t right now, baby. I have a ton of homework and a lot of studying to do right now,” he stressed.

  “You never minded having me over while you did ya homework any other time, Larry.”

  “I have a history test coming up, so why not study together?” Bright suggested.

  “Babeeeee, I can't...when you’re around me, it's hard for me to focus on my work. And I need to focus right now,” he felt a headache coming on. “I'll call you later okay?” He said, running out of time to talk. He hated hiding his job from her, but he felt he had no other choice.

  “Yeah, alright,” Bright said with a puppy-like expression on her face then hung up. It was funny how at first she couldn't keep Larry or Terrence up off of her, but the tables had seemed to turn, and they had no time for her.

  Feeling lonely and depressed, Bright took a shower, did a little homework, and then went to sleep for the remainder of the night.

  Part Ten


  orking the drive thru, with only twenty minutes left on his shift, Larry spotted Bright’s uncle in the drive-thru. After he took his order, he threw

  the idea around in his head on whether or not he should introduce himself to him. Bright was carrying his child, and her mother loved and accepted him wholeheartedly. So why shouldn't I introduce myself to him? Larry thought. He wasn't afraid of him, and he wasn't going anywhere so he thought, Fuck it, I’ma introduce myself to him after I pass him his food. Once Terrence pulled up to the drive-thru window, Larry passed him his food with a pleasant smile on his face, but before he could introduce himself, he complained about having cold French fries on top of the wrong order.

  “I'm sorry about that, sir; let me correct that for you,” Larry said reaching his hand out the drive-thru to retrieve the bag.

  Mad at the world, Terrence spat, “Yeah, that’s what you better do!” He said, tossing the bag at Larry. “I ordered a fucking ten piece nugget, and I specifically asked for fresh fucking fries, not this cold as shit y'all just served me!” Terrence yelled.

  Trying to make the best out of the situation, Larry apologized. “Again, I'm sorry about that, sir.” He didn't understand how one could get so upset over such a small mistake, when he assured him that he'd take care of it.

  “A'ight well fucking do that shit, man!” Terrence said, looking at him like he was ready to kick up some dust.

  Larry's patience was running short. He didn't appreciate the tone and the way Bright’s Uncle was talking to him. “Aye, my bad, my man, calm down, I'm tryna get it right for you.” Larry walked away from the window, trying his hardest to compose himself from going the fuck off on him.

  “My man!” Terrence repeated. “Muthafucka, you don't know me well enough to be calling me yo mans and shit, nigga, just call me muthafucking sir!” Terrence yelled, ready to fly off the handle and attack anything that walked, talked, or moved in the wrong direction. He had lost his wife, his bitc
h was pregnant and had lied about her age, and on top of that, he had just lost twenty thousand dollars in the game. So to say the least, Terrence was more than mad and upset, he was pissed off at the world.

  Larry had taken enough of his shit and was about to snap, but luckily his manager stepped in just in time to resolve the issue. He patted Larry on the back and said, “Don't worry, I'll take care of it, he's just another bitter asshole, mad at the world,” he teased.

  “You can say that again,” Larry steamed , walking into the dining area to pick up trash and sweep up. Not allowing Bright's Uncle to rob him of his day's joy, he put a smile back on his face and decided to make the best out of the rest of his work day.

  ********** It had been over a week since Bright had heard from or seen Terrence, and since her pockets were getting low, she called a cab to take her to his house so that she could talk some sense into him. After Bright paid the cab driver the last of the money she had, she climbed out of the cab, and then walked up and knocked on Terrence door. After knocking and ringing the doorbell a few more times, he finally answered. Looking her dead in the eyes, Terrence just stood there trying to understand how he had such strong feeling for a girl her age.

  With a lifted brow, Bright said, “You gone just keep staring at me, or you gone let me in?” She asked, trying to let herself inside.

  Terrence smiled and nodded his head. He had calmed down and was really just about to call and apologize for the way that he treated her. They had gone too far, did too much, and now that she was carrying his seed, he figured there was no use in holding any grudges or crying over spilled milk. It was what it was.

  Bright waited for Terrence to close his door before she began to speak. “So what, you cool on me, now? You saying fuck me and the baby over a punk ass number?” she demanded to know with her hand on her hip.

  Not appreciating her tone in his home, Terrence snapped. “Look, sit yo ass down, and don't be coming over here stirring up no bullshit when you was the one in the wrong in the first fucking place,” Terrence pointed out. “And besides all that, I like my house to stay peaceful, just as it was before yo light bright ass walked up in here!” Then he walked in the kitchen. His home was a place of tranquility, relaxation, comfort, and a place where he could think clearly. And he didn't welcome, allow, or invite drama, chaos, nor the street into his comfort zone.

  Bright was mad, pregnant, and broke, and regardless of what Terrence had just said to her, she was still gonna vent and say what was on her mind. “Well, I don't give a fuck right now, Terrence! I been at home stressed the fuck out, crying, no money, no dick, no man, no nothing cause yo ass is on some bullshit,” she said, winding her neck and pointing at him. “Did you ever think about me while you were out on ya guilt trip? Huh?” she asked, standing in his face.

  “Look, I said calm down with all that noise, Bright.” Terrence was trying to keep his cool, but Bright was beginning to irritate the hell out of him.

  Ignoring him, Bright continued to fuss, “No, you think it’s fucking okay to lie and hurt me, but when the fucking tables are turned, you just bail out on me, like that!” Bright said, ready to argue and get her point across.

  Terrence slammed the glass he was drinking out of on his kitchen counter. “Lie and hurt you, are you fucking serious?” he asked, looking her dead in her eyes. “I make sure ya black ass keep food in ya mouth, have money in yo pockets. I even pay them bills that ya mama can't fucking seem to keep up with, and on top of that, I keep ya ass fly in all them designer clothes! So I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit you talking right now girl!” Terrence yelled back in his defense.

  Bright bucked her eyes and snapped her neck. “Oh, so it’s all about money now huh?” she huffed. “Yeah, you keep me paid and fly and yes, you've given me money from time to time to help my Moms out with the bills, but that’s what you’re supposed to do, if you my man!” She yelled with attitude. “But my feelings can’t be paid for, Terrence, you've lied and hurt me before too, and way worse than what I've ever done to you!” she cried, more sensitive from her pregnancy than anything.

  Dumbfounded, Terrence asked, “What the fuck have I ever did to you Bright?” he was confused.

  “You fucking lied to me about being married to that bitch…, But before she could get another word out, Terrence slapped her so hard that she spun around twice.

  “Don't you ever fucking mention or disrespect my wife's name ever again!!!! You fucking hear me?!” Terrence was ready to fuck something up. His wife was a very sensitive issue, and his scars were still very fresh from her departure. He wasn't going to allow Bright, or anyone for that matter, to speak negatively on or disrespect her as long as he was alive.

  Instantly feeling regret from her words, Bright palmed her stinging cheek and cried. She remembered Terrence saying that he didn't mind slapping the fuck out of a bitch before, but she didn't think that included herself. Sliding down the kitchen counter and onto the kitchen floor, Bright cried, “I love you, Terrence, why you doing this to me, baby?”

  Terrence looked at Bright on his kitchen floor telling him how much she loved him in between sobs. He hated to do her the way he did, but he needed her to understand that Tameka was off limits. Feeling she had learned her lesson, he picked her up off the floor, hugged her tight, and told her he loved her too.

  “I'm sorry, Ice, I never meant for it to come out like that, baby, you know I would never intentionally disrespect your wife like that,” she cried harder and harder. “I know she meant the world to you too, I just wanted you to understand the hurt and pain that you've caused me in the past. And if I've been able to accept you for your imperfections, baby, then why can't you find a place in your heart to forgive me for mines?” Bright cried, holding on to him for dear life. She needed to be back in that special place in his heart; he was her security blanket.

  “I love you baby,” Terrence said to her as he lifted her face off of his chest to kiss her lips, then he wiped her tears away. “You my boo, you know I got you, baby,” he said, wrapping her legs around his waist, then continuing to kiss her pretty face.

  “Make love to me, Ice,” Bright moaned, calling him by his street name to make him feel empowered while she pulled his shirt off and grinded her body up against his. One thing leading to the next, they ended up having sex in the kitchen, into the living room, up the stairs, and finally into his bedroom. Afterwards, Bright laid there with a smile on her face, not from the sex, but because she knew she was back on payroll.

  “Cook ya nigga somethin’ to eat!” Terrence rolled over in bed and said.

  “Whatever you want, baby,” Bright said, getting out of bed. After stretching her sore body, she went inside the bathroom to shower before preparing Terrence a home-cooked meal. Deciding to make beef, bean and cheese burritos, Bright cooked both her ground beef and refried beans on a low fire, while she chopped lettuce, tomatoes and onions, then grated sharp cheddar cheese. In the middle of draining the grease from the ground beef, Bright received a call from, Nicole. What the heck she want with me? Bright thought.

  “What who want with you?” Terrence said, coming down the stairs.

  “This bitch name Nicole, nosy Ice,” she teased, then she put the pan back on the stove and answered her phone. “What’s up?” Bright said, adding taco seasoning and a half of a cup of water in the ground beef.

  “You busy right now?” Nicole asked her.

  “Naw, what’s up?” Bright asked again, preparing to combine the seasoned ground beef and refried beans in one pot.

  “Well, I'm just gone come right out and ask you then, before it get back to Treasure.” Nicole cleared her throat. “Did you fuck, Lil Boo?” she asked seriously.

  “Did I what?” Bright repeated almost choking on her own spit.

  “Did you fuck, Lil Boo?” Nicole asked her again.

  “Hell naw!” Bright responded defensively. “Why would you even ask me some shit like that, Nicole?” she asked, feeling her heart beat a mile a minute.
br />   Nicole explained, “I talk to one of Lil Boo's homeboys, I'm not saying his name, but he slipped up and told me that Lil Boo told him that after everybody left his house that night of his white party, and while Treasure was in his room asleep, that you threw the pussy at him, and y'all fucked,” she said, not skipping a beat. She wanted to call and tell Treasure what she knew right away, but decided to go directly to the source first.

  Bright's mouth fell wide open. No that nigga didn't go and run his mouth like a little bitch, she thought. “Well that’s a lie, Nicole, and that’s on my mama!” she said in a defensive tone. “Treasure is only my best fucking friend in the whole wide world, so never that, and whoever told you that can miss me with that crap,” Bright said, trying to regain her cool.

  Nicole sighed, “I'ma keep It real wit’ you, I was gone tell

  Treasure after I heard it myself, cause she's my girl too. But I decided it would be best to speak to you first,” she said honestly.

  Bright was relieved that Nicole hadn't told Treasure, and she was gonna try her best to convince her not to mention it to her either. “I mean tell her, I can care less, because I know like Treasure knows that I would never do anything like that to her,” Bright said convincingly. “But to me, it's like, why even mention some false bullshit to her when she ain't even messing with dude like that no more. That would be like going an extra mile to add confusion to our friendship, especially when it’s not true,” she hoped, Nicole would keep her mouth shut.

  Nicole wasn't buying it. She knew Bright was hiding something and that she was trying to keep her from telling Treasure; she just nodded her head. “That's why I called you first, because I'm not messy like that. But then I got to thinking back to that night, and I remembered how persistent you were about staying over there with her. I know Treasure was drunk and when she told me she crashed right away, that kind of messed my head up, because you were wide awake, Bright.”